Housing First. . . because nobody can get well when living out on the street.

Housing is Health Care.

“The primary and essential function of housing, to provide a safe and sheltered space, is absolutely fundamental to the people’s health and well being.”

Dearbhal Murphy: Exploring the complex relationship between housing and health through consideration of the health needs of people who are homeless. 2006 ENHR Conference, Workshop

We coordinate Health Care treatment for mental health, addictions, other health issues and rehabilitation.

“Human rights theory holds that all particular rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated. As Americans begin to pay more attention to human rights as the proper conceptual framework for our struggle to end homelessness, we are coming to understand the interdependence of human rights in very practical – not just theoretical – terms. In particular, we are recognizing that housing is health care, and that extension of both rights, together, is necessary for ending homelessness.”

– National Health Care for the Homeless Council

Successful treatment for each individual involves having income from benefits and/or employment.

In addition to the Add Us In initiative that seeks effective policy action to aid those with disabilities find employment, Integrated Recovery Network also works closely with the California Department of Rehabilitation, which helps our clients with vocational training and other services. For more information on Add Us In visit http://www.dol.gov/odep/Addusin/.


We help people stabilize with housing and health care, including overcoming negative behaviors and thinking patterns, so they can become self-supporting and fully integrated into society. Each person sets their own goals for the job they want. Our job is to help them prepare for employment and to succeed at the job they choose. While we were working with the Department of Labor, we had a third-party evaluator who found that 70% of our clients stayed on their first job for six months or longer.

We help clients through the process of acquiring benefits through Social Security, Disability and General Relief programs.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues. This vital program aids those who are aged, blind, and/or disabled and have little to no income. It is designed to meet the basic needs of an individual such as food, clothing, and shelter. When a client is first introduced to our program one of our goals is to establish eligibility for SSI, and if the client is appropriate, begin the application process. This is often one of the most important steps towards a client’s self-sufficiency and health living.

General Relief (GR)

The General Relief program is County-funded and provides financial and non-cash assistance to low-income adults who are ineligible for federal or state programs (such as SSI). Even those who may be able to work can apply for short-term GR. This program is especially useful if an individual is between jobs, or in school.

Watch the full Recovery Stories video:

Integrated Recovery Network video

Integrated Recovery Network | 2010 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1012, Los Angeles, CA 90057 | 213-977-9447 | Contact